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Home > Wireless Support > How to Reset Your WiFi Adapter if the WiFi Interface is Missing
How to Reset Your WiFi Adapter if the WiFi Interface is Missing
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⚠ If you have any open files, save them, you will end up rebooting your computer.


  1. Click the Windows button on your taskbar, or the windows button on your keyboard. Search for an app on your computer called Device Manager.
  2. Launch Device Manager
    1. Scroll through the list of devices until you find Network Adapters.
    2. Click on the drop down arrows next to Network Adapters, and find the wireless adapter, usually called Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6E AX211 160MHz.
    3. Right click the wireless adapter and click Uninstall Device. You will receive a warning.
      1. 🛑You'll see a checkbox that says "attempt to remove the driver for this device". DO NOT CHECK THIS BOX. 🛑
    4. Click the Uninstall button again, uninstalling the wireless adapter
    5. Reboot your laptop

Once you boot back into Windows, you should have the WiFi option appearing again. If you do not, please contact the Catawba IT Helpdesk.

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