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Home > Network Connectivity > Global Protect VPN Instructions
Global Protect VPN Instructions
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Palo Alto VPN Setup


All faculty and staff have Global Protect VPN access enabled. Should you need to use VPN, please follow the install and connection instructions below.

Your computer should already have the Global Protect VPN client installed. See the globe icon in your system tray:


If you don’t see the icon, you can download and install the client from:


You will need to login with your Catawba credentials


Click on the link of the installer for your OS you are using.

If you are using a Windows computer, please click the second link.

If you are using a Mac computer, please click the third link.

Run the installer

Once the installer is done. You will see the globe icon in your taskbar.


Right Click on the globe and click “Get Started.”

Enter, then click connect. You will need to provide your Catawba credentials the first time then click connect.


At this point you should be connected. Please disconnect when you are done by right clicking the world and disconnecting. To reconnect you click on the world and click connect.


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